Posts tagged #MusicTheory #listening
Let's Talk about Music Theory

Let's talk a little about music theory.

Is it important, yes?

Do you need to sit an exam or take a course in order to understand music theory?

No, you don't have to sit an exam or take a course to understand music theory, you can just ask your piano teacher.

It will take extra time so your lesson time needs to increase, or take 2 lessons a week, theory can be online too! You can also follow the course books by ABRSM or another exam board for their theory exams.

Music theory can seem scary and daunting at first, but it's not, it's just trying to put an explanation to the sounds we hear and why they work together.

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What can music lessons do for you?

Music has been my constant companion, since I was a child. When I didn’t have access to a piano or lessons for a year or two at a time, immersing myself in music was all that would calm and centre me.

Now as an adult and the harsh reality that modern houses and living don’t accommodate grand pianos easily, I learned renting for years and having to compromise my acoustic for a basic digital, that there is always a work around.

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Easy ideas to start creating music

Happy 2020 everyone!And what can you do today that will definitely better your future self?

….... Be creative!…..

You could learn more about music by taking those piano lessons you always wanted, or re start lessons from where you left off. It's like riding a bike - you never really forget it! Go for it and book a lesson with a local teacher or online.

Having a creative outlet is so important for our mental and physical health in daily life and our thinking. Our brains are wired to make creative solutions to problems, and we ensure children and young adults have creative outlets but we neglect ourselves as adults. 

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